

Our Lady of the Rosary Family Catechism is a complete online catechism course for children and families based on the classic Baltimore Catechism. The easily accessible lessons are presented by Fr Anthony Pillari JCL, MCL, STL with the view that all children commit the Catechism to memory, as generations of Catholics used to do to really know and love our Faith. By taking up this delightful challenge, we are invited to join the mission given by Our Lady at Fatima: to work for the salvation of souls by striving for holiness in our daily lives. Learn more about the course from the Information Pack provided.


“I’m looking forward to guiding you through your study of the entire Baltimore Catechism. I would strongly urge you to join the Catechism Crusade and to log weekly there the progress of each of your children, as well as your own! From years of working with children, teenagers, and adults, I have found that it makes a great difference in one’s spiritual life or in one’s study of the faith, if one has weekly accountability. Without that, very few persevere in studying the faith well or in key aspects of their spiritual life. But with that accountability, and with the recognition and levels that are thereby attained at appropriate times, even those who are usually undisciplined can make great progress. Furthermore, by logging your progress weekly you will be encouraging other children and families throughout the world, because they will know that they are not alone in this effort. So as priest, I would ask for your help. Please help me to help your own children, and children from throughout the world, by logging weekly your progress in this Catechism Crusade.”

Fr. Anthony Pillari JCL, MCL, STL

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