“In our society where children, in most cases, receive only disinformation, where their minds and hearts are easily corrupted by the internet and social media networks, Our Lady of the Rosary Family Catechism brought to you by Regina Angelorum Press, Inc. must be welcomed with great joy. Our Lord taught that children are the closest to the throne of God because of their innocence and simplicity. However, these gifts must be safeguarded; children must be protected from what could corrupt them and encouraged to grow in virtue by showing them the beauty of Truth and the strength of Good. This is what Fr Anthony Pillari does in this catechism course, making it a great gift for all souls but especially for children and their families.”
Virginia Coda Nunziante, President of the Association Famiglia Domani

“Our Lady of the Rosary Family Catechism, brought to you by Regina Angelorum Press, Inc., is designed to form children to grow in understanding of the saving truths of the Catholic faith by committing them to memory in the words of the classic Baltimore catechism. The truths of Catholic teaching are simply presented by a priest whose words and delivery exude the love of God. Fr Pillari’s crystal clear teaching is reinforced with wonderfully well-chosen sacred images and music. Parents with children of all ages – from young children to mature adults who may be struggling to believe – will feel greatly empowered by this series of 41 short videos which, with all the arts of the gifted film-maker, capture the viewers’ imagination, increase their knowledge, and deepen their faith in Catholic truth.”
John Smeaton, CEO of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children

“I am so excited about the Catechism series with Fr. Pillari giving our children the treasure of the Baltimore Catechism in a format suited to busy parents and a method designed to ingrain the teachings of the Church in the minds and hearts of our little ones. What greater gift can there be in these days when the Faith is so little known and loved. May this offering of love, given freely and without cost, spark a renewal of the faith making soldiers for Christ in the years to come. This effort has been a work in honour of and in union with Our Lady of Fatima, and we pray that She may keep all these children and families brought to Her in Her Immaculate Heart.”
John-Henry Westen, Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of LifeSiteNews.com